Federal Court of Appeal Electronic Filing System

E-Filing F.A.Q.

If a filing fee is required in respect of the document being filed electronically (see Tariff A of the Federal Courts Rules), your document cannot be accepted for filing unless you have paid the required fee.
After you transmit a document via the e-filing system, you may receive an email requesting payment of a filing fee. You may follow the instructions in that email to pay your filing fee online.

You may also contact the Registry by phone or attend your nearest local Registry counter to pay your filing fee. You must contact the Registry Office that you selected during e-filing to process the payment of any applicable filing fee.
After you transmit a document via the e-filing system, you should receive an email acknowledging that you have made a submission. Please note that a document is not considered filed until it is accepted for filing by the Registry or by the Court. You will receive an email confirming the status of your document after it has been reviewed by the Registry.
If your document has been accepted for filing, you will receive a second confirmation email indicating that your document has been accepted for filing.
Please refer to Rules 71.1 and 72.1, as well as the Court’s consolidated practice direction.
The electronic filing system uses the Eastern Time Zone. Refer to Rule 71.1(2). Any document uploaded to the e-filing system after 11:59PM Eastern Time will be deemed to be filed on the next day.
When a document is submitted for filing on a holiday (which includes a Saturday or a Sunday under Rule 2), it will be deemed to have been submitted for filing on the next day that is not a holiday. Refer to Rule 71.1(3).
If your document was successfully transmitted via the e-filing system but was not accepted for filing, the Registry will make best efforts to notify you.

If you experienced technical difficulties, quit the e-filing session before your document was uploaded, or allowed the system to time out, your information was not saved by the system and accordingly the Registry would not have the information needed to be able to contact you. You should close all browser windows and tabs, open a new window and begin a new e-filing session.
The e-filing system will allow you to add any special handling instructions in respect of your document.
Yes. You must complete all the necessary filing steps within 60 minutes. After 60 minutes, your session will automatically close. An incomplete session cannot be saved.
A document that exceeds this permitted size will need to be divided into smaller files. Those files will need to be filed separately and properly identified (i.e.: Vol. 1 of the Appeal Book, Vol. 2 of the Appeal Book, etc.). Your software may, in some scenarios, allow you to reduce your file size without reducing the quality of your document.
No. You are responsible for ensuring that all documents that need to be served are served in accordance with the Federal Courts Rules.
Yes. An e-filing guide containing step-by-step instructions on how to meet certain technical requirements for electronic documents is available.
The Federal Courts Rules permit service by email in certain circumstances on a consent basis. You may wish to refer to Rule 141 and the Court’s consolidated practice direction for additional information about consent to electronic service.
The Registry can provide general information during regular business hours but cannot provide technical support for e-filing.
In the case of repeated technical difficulties, you may wish to contact a Registry office by phone during regular business hours. You may need to file paper copies of your document in order to meet any applicable filing deadlines.
You may use the e-filing system to send correspondence that is related to a court proceeding. When selecting the document type, the drop-down menu will allow you to select “letter” as an option. Correspondence should be addressed to the Registry, and not to an individual judge or judges.
Yes. Please refer to Rule 72.3 and paragraph 11 of the Court's Consolidated Practice Direction.
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